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How much does shipping cost?

Wholesale shipping costs are flat rates depending on your order size:

  • US orders less than $150 – Ship for $10
  • US orders greater than $150 – Ship for $20
  • International orders less than $150 – Ship for $35
  • International orders greater than $150 – Ship for $50

Retail shipping specials, free shipping days or other retail promotions do not apply to wholesale orders.

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Do you send other items by autoshipment?

We only offer BLOCK Magazine by autoshipment at this time. However, we generally send out an email a couple of weeks before the autoshipment ships out and give you the opportunity to email us anything you want to add to your order. This also means that we will never ship anything to you that you don’t ask for and we don’t require you to take anything else by autoshipment in order to receive BLOCK Magazine.

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Does the autoship program require a contract?

No. You can cancel or adjust your autoshipment amount at any time. Just fill out the autoshipment form and we’ll get it updated.

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Do you extend terms?

At this time, we do not extend terms (net 10, net 30, etc).  For online orders, payment is by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Paypal. BLOCK Magazine autoship orders require a credit card on file; they cannot be processed through Paypal. Similarly, any order sent submitted to us by phone or email require a valid credit card on file.

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Where can I see if I’m signed up for BLOCK Magazine autoshipment?

Email us, ““. We’re working on getting more online functionality for our wholesale partners so this can be checked online.

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Can I add other items to my autoshipment order?

Yes, as long as they are added before the autoshipment is sent out. We try to send an email out a couple of weeks ahead of time to give you a reminder to send in your requests.

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When will my autoshipment order be sent?

As soon as the releasing issue is sent from our publisher to our warehouse, we ship them out. Sometimes the dates vary depending on the vicissitudes of the publication process, which is why we don’t have a specific set date when releasing.

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